Network status checker

Here you can get more information about the current network situation in your specific area.

Enter your postcode below

Something’s gone wrong. Can you check your postcode and try again?

Sorry about this, but we can’t provide a status update right now.

We also recommend:

Find more help and advice below.

Something’s gone wrong. Can you please try again?

Sorry about this, but we can’t provide a status update right now.

We also recommend:

Find more help and advice below.

We’re repairing an issue in this area

Sorry for any disruption this is causing. Our engineers are working on an ongoing problem.

We’ll be posting updates here as we progress. We're working to have things fixed as soon as possible.

Find more help and advice below.

Last updated on --LASTUPD--.

Our systems haven’t reported any network problems.

Use coverage checker to see the usual signal strength in this area.

We’ll check that this information is up to date every 30 minutes. (last updated --LASTUPD--).

We’re performing network upgrades in your area

We're sorry for any disruption you're experiencing. But you’ll be able to enjoy a better, stronger network very soon.

As part of The Big Network Build, we’re making a significant investment in our network to bring you an improved 4G network, and new 5G infrastructure.

Find more help and advice below.

Last updated on --LASTUPD--.

We carried out essential works in your area recently.


Use coverage checker to see the typical signal strength in this area.

This information is updated every 30 minutes (last updated --LASTUPD--).

We’re fixing an issue with our network in this area

We’re sorry for any disruption you experience. Our engineers are working on masts nearby, which means the rest of our network is handling more traffic than usual.

Updates on our work will be posted here. We’re working as fast as we can to build a better, stronger network in your area.

You can find more help and advice below. And you can read more about our Big Network Build here.

Last updated on --LASTUPD--.

There were some problems in your area today

We’re sorry if you experienced any disruption. This issue should now be resolved.

If you're still having issues, you can find more help and advice below.

Last updated on --LASTUPD--.

Things that can affect your signal

Extreme weather

Strong winds, flooding, storms, falling trees, etc. can all affect phone masts.

Temporary structures

Cranes or scaffolding, for example, can obstruct the signal.

Temporary network outages

When we're carrying out planned or unplanned maintenance, your signal will probably be affected.

Still need help?

Help with recent loss of signal.

If you normally have a signal but you've recently lost it, there could be an outage or an issue with your device or account. Here are a few things you can try to get your signal up and running again.

1. Check for outages

If you haven't already, check your area's current service to see if you've been affected by an outage.

2. Test your device

Try the following to see if any make a difference:

3. Issues with your account

Sometimes a billing issue, or failed Top-up prevent access to our network. It's worth checking out in My3 or the Three app.

4. Try Wi-Fi Calling

In the meantime you can call and text over Wi-Fi with Wi-Fi Calling. Some phones have it pre-installed and it's compatible with iOS and Android devices.

5. Get in touch

If these tips haven't worked and you still need help with your signal, please get in touch now.
