Roaming & International

Roaming Abroad

Roaming abroad

Find out how much it costs to use your device while you're roaming abroad

Use your device abroad
International calling

International calling

Find out how much international calls and texts cost, while you're in the UK

Call abroad from the UK

Go Roam abroad for a low daily charge.

With Go Roam, you can unlock your UK your allowance to use data, and call and text the UK and other Go Roam destinations (up to fair usage limits). All for a low daily charge of £2 in Europe and £5 Around the World.†

You can enjoy Go Roam whether you're using a tablet, phone, Mobile Wi-Fi or dongle. If you don’t have Go Roam, you'll still benefit from lower roaming rates in our Go Roam destinations (up to fair usage limits).

Republic of Ireland and Isle of Man are excluded from the daily charge. The charges will not apply to Pay As You Go customers. Our fair use policies apply.

More Roaming and International help

Roaming settings
Using your device abroad
Roaming costs & savings
International calls from the UK