Student discounts

Unlimited data on Apple iPhone 13 Pro 128GB

Student life doesn’t come cheap. But being on a tight budget doesn’t mean you need to sacrifice all of the good stuff.

With our exclusive student discount on these phone, SIM, and Broadband deals, you can stay connected without going over budget.

So, order that takeaway, binge-watch those box sets and stream that study playlist ‘til your heart’s content. And phone home. Don’t forget to phone home.

5G Ready

All our SIMs are 5G Ready at no extra cost.

24m Unlimited Data SIM for just £9 for 6 months - £18 from month 7

12m Unlimited Data SIM for just £18

Get 6 months half price on unlimited data tariffs and free gift available

Student exclusive

Why Choose Three?

Included with every plan

Student discount T&Cs

*Price includes £5 monthly discount for paying by a recurring method, such as direct debit. Each May, your monthly package price will increase by an amount up to the RPI rate, published in the February that year. See full student discount terms and conditions.

With Personal Hotspot, you can use your phone’s data allowance to connect up your other devices. Pretty handy for when you’re nowhere near a Wi-Fi connection. On our Essential Plans, you can’t use your inclusive data allowance to create a personal hotspot.

Use our Advanced plans in 71 destinations around the world, for a low daily charge of £2 for Go Roam in Europe and £5 for Go Roam Around the World.

With our Essential plans you’ll save some money on your contract but miss out on features such as Go Roam Around the World and Personal Hotspot allowance, although you’ll still be able to use Go Roam in Europe. For limits and further information - see

With Personal Hotspot, you can use your existing data allowance to connect other devices to your phone and get online. Pretty handy when there's no Wi-Fi.

The 5G revolution is upon us. And from launch, all new and existing customers with a 5G Ready device can join the party. Whether you are on a contract, SIM only or PAYG.

Got a 5G Ready handset now? Sweet. All our SIMs are 5G ready at no extra cost. Obvs. And as soon as 5G comes round your way, you’ll be able to frolic in 5G wonder.

You’ll be able to upgrade your data plan whenever you need. To enjoy 5G at full pelt, with uncapped speeds, choose an Unlimited data plan - so you never run out of data juice.

With a business plan on Three, you get up to £500 worth of benefits from our partners to support your business. From creating stationery with Moo, to nailing the accounts with a 6-month FreshBooks subscription - we’ve got you covered, whatever your business needs.

Our Business plans let you use Go Roam Around the World in 71 destinations, at no extra cost. You can also use your phone as a Personal Hotspot, and call free from your mobile to Customer Services.

Use our Advanced plans in 71 destinations around the world, for a low daily charge of £2 for Go Roam in Europe and £5 for Go Roam Around the World.

With our Essential plans you’ll save some money on your contract but miss out on features such as Go Roam Around the World and Personal Hotspot allowance, although you’ll still be able to use Go Roam in Europe. For limits and further information - see